Looks Matter, but NOT in the Way You Think

I’ve heard the typical question “Do looks matter to you?” at least a hundred times. Normally people respond one of two ways.

1. No way! Looks don’t matter at all! Also age is just a number! Oh and I also don’t care about how you are 35 and still living with your mom!

2. Is it shallow of me to say it does matter?

OK, maybe they don’t say it EXACTLY like that, but you get the idea.

For those of you, like me, who have said the second one…congrats on not lying.

Let’s face it, a relationship needs physical attraction. A person could be very kind and sweet, but if there is zero physical attraction, I can’t date him. I’ll be friends with him!

However, if you are the type of person who would ONLY ever date people who look like this…

vsmodel rippedguy

Then yeah that may be a shallow.

This is my boyfriend Patrick.




Many of my friends upon seeing his picture for the first time said things like

1. Aww, he’s cute.

2. Ehh

3. He’s alright

4. You’ve dated worse!

And I understand that, because I say the same things about the men in their lives.

When we first started talking, I thought he average in the looks department. He doesn’t have ‘rippling pectorals’ or a V like the male models we are surrounded by thanks to the media. However, he has these great eyes..these amazing shoulders (I know that’s a weird feature to pick out but trust me, they are beautiful), great arms…and what’s even better? The sound of his laugh…The way he staid up with me all night for two nights after Kali passed away…the way he always somehow make me laugh when I’m crying…the way that even though he doesn’t read, he listens to me talk about my favorite books.

Then, there is the way he looks at me.

He looks me right in the eyes and I swear I can feel him in my soul. He looks at me with such love and admiration. He tells me I am gorgeous and for the first time in my life I believe someone when they say it.

Like Meghan Trainor says, I ain’t no size 2. I know I am not the hottest thing to ever walk the Earth…but when Patrick looks at me. That doesn’t matter. When he looks at me I feel like the only girl in the world.

Now, Patrick and I have been very happily together for nearly 1.5 years…he’s no longer average looking.

Instead I think he is the SEXIEST man I have ever laid eyes on. He is the ONLY man in the whole world for me.

What changed?

Turns out…Looks do matter. Because he looks at me with all the love in his heart, and he is fully invested and committed to my heart. Suddenly I realized when I look at him, my tummy gets all fluttery…my knees get weak.

So yeah physical looks do matter, but to me? The emotion connection is worth so much more.

You’re the One Who Can Fill the World with Sunshine!

Hey Mermaids, My posts have been pretty short lately. So I thought I would catch you up on life.

I am actually doing a lot better this semester! Thankfully that means my GPA will be back on track 🙂 I am also in the process of changing my major. I am currently a Psychology major but I am switching to Pre Law (History/Political Science and Society Law) while minoring in Psychology and Criminal Justice. Patrick and I are doing great 🙂 I just love him more than words could ever possibly describe. I am currently OBSESSED with Once Upon a Time (I’ll make a whole separate post about that). Yesterday my fish died…I am a little sad but the thing about fish is, you don’t touch them so you don’t bond with them. I think he had a broken heart after his other half died. On the flip side….Kali is getting older and I think she is dying….I can’t hardly think about it. My poor kitty 😦

Yesterday was my Dad’s birthday. Over the weekend we went out to eat and everything so that was nice. I bought all his gifts from his most favorite *sarcasm* place ever! The Dollar Tree! I think he got a kick out of that.

This past weekend was also my family reunion! I got to see my cousins from Michigan and Illinois, along with my cousins who live right here in Indiana! I love seeing them and spending time with them all.

My Cousin Luke is halfway through stage 3 of Kidney Failure…he is only 23. Whenever he reaches stage 4, he will have to start on dialysis… When he hits stage 5, his body will start shutting down. Our only solace is that Luke is such a good christian boy. He loves God, Church, his Family,and of course Ford Trucks. God has a special place from him in Heaven….but hopefully we can keep him longer. We also found out that my Grandpa has a tumor on the lower side of his pancreas, we haven’t found out yet if it is cancerous…I pray not.

And of course…I am still waiting to hear from Disney. Patrick says that I will get my email tomorrow at 4 pm…a girl can hope! I do imagine I will know either this week or the next.

I love you all!